Continuous, multi-layered coating with 2 to 5 mm changeable thickness. The bottom layer is made with 1 or 2 applications of quartz-saturated epoxy self-levelling, whereas the finishing is made with a spatula-applied mixture with colored quartzes and transparent epoxy resin subject to low yellowing.
Areas of use
Its use is recommended in the food sector where surfaces must be easily cleaned and sterilized:
- Canning and beverage industry
- Milk and dairy industry
- Meat processing industry
- Industrial kitchens, storerooms for foodstuffs
Precision industry and laboratories:
- Precision mechanics, goldsmith sector
- Electronic sector.
It is also used in the food sector where surfaces must be easily cleaned and sterilized:
- Canning and beverage industry
- Milk and dairy industry
- Meat processing industry
- Refrigerators, industrial kitchens, storerooms for foodstuffs.
Its use is also recommended in the civilian sector where esthetic needs meets resistance, easy cleaning and an antiskid surface:
- school, offices, supermarkets, hospitals.
- Continuous, waterproof, colored coating with no expansion joints.
- Excellent mechanical resistance to wear and abrasion.
- Good resilience features (resistance against impact of projected objects)
- Good resistance to contact with acid and basic diluted solutions.
- Finishing is achieved with several antiskid levels, in compliance with safety regulations to prevent industrial accidents.
- Surface easy to clean and sterilize using industrial detergents and high pressure water. Suitable for the food industry;
- Working temperature between - 15 °C and + 50 °C

Products for multi-layered floors - MULTIMIX CERAMIZZATO system